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Crumlin Integrated Primary School, Crumlin, Co. Antrim

'See the Light' in P1✨

14th Dec 2021

Day 2 of our 'Festival of Light' week- Yesterday we were learning to 'Be the Light' by showing kindness to we were learning to 'See the Light' by recognising the 'lights' in our community and being thankful for all those who help us💖

We talked about all those people who help us at home, in school and in our community and realise how blessed we are to have so many superheroes around us!✨💪

How delighted we were that Dr Louise Savage came in to visit the P1s and talk about her important job in the hospital- It was a fantastic opportunity for the children to ask questions and get some hands on experience using some of the equipment used in the hospitals.   Mrs Middleton even got her arm put in a cast and the children got to sign it🙂This really helped to remove the 'fear factor' that some children have when they think about going to hospital.  A big thank you, Louise for taking time out of your busy schedule to come and visit us💖 We think you're awesome👏

We were also very lucky to have a visit from one of our local firefighters, Mr Mark Hynes👨‍🚒He talked to the children about fire safety, brought some of his important fire equipment and even had a mini firefighter uniform for the children to try on😍 They loved this and we have lots of eager kiddies looking to be firefighting superheroes when they grow up!💪Thank you Mark...we think you're pretty awesome too🙂✨

Finally, we finished off our busy day by making 'Thank you' pictures for all the 'lights' in our community💖 You make the world a brighter place🌈