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Crumlin Integrated Primary School, Crumlin, Co. Antrim

Primary 3

Welcome to Miss Teague's Primary 3 class!

We have 27 wonderful children and 1 fantastic teaching assistant in our class.

We have had a brilliant start to our year and Primary 3 are excited to learn about various topics that will broaden their knowledge and understanding of the world. 

On this page you will find out helpful information about our class, routines and our learning topics. We also use Class Dojo to keep our families updated so make sure to check it regularly for updates!

P.E - P.E is on a Monday and a Wednesday. Please send your child into school wearing their CIPS tracksuit, polo shirt and trainers. 

Outdoor learning & Forest schools - We love using the amazing grounds in our school to enhance our learning experience. We will be outside a few times a week, so please bring wellington boots in for your child to wear. They will also need a hat and gloves for when the class is outside in the colder weather.


  • Amazing Africa
  • Senses
  • Around the world in an envelope
  • Starry, starry night
  • Aye, Aye, Captain!


Homework will be sent home on a Monday for the whole week. Its purpose is to reinforce our learning in the classroom. It includes reading, spelling and a mental math focus.


In Primary 3, we have a class book that is linked to our topics. We also complete guided reading groups throughout the school week. Books are sent home for homework and the children are encouraged to read every night. Every week, 2 questions will be sent home to develop the children's comprehension and fluency when reading the book. 

Spellings & Phonics

In Primary 3 we will be learning our spelling list over two weeks. They will participate in daily activities to enable them to apply strategies that they have learned. Our sound of the week will also be sent home so the children can continue practicing identifying this sound in texts or books that they read.

Mental Maths

We will have a mental maths focus for the week and it is encouraged that this is practiced daily at home. 

Always TALK to your child about what they are doing in school - this is the best form of home learning you can do. Talk, listen and join in where you can!

