Primary 6
Welcome to Mr Coey's class.
There are 25 wonderful children in our class!
Primary 6 is a busy year, but we do like to have lots of fun while we are learning!
We have lots of things to look forward to and we'll be learning lots of new skills. Keep an eye on our class page to see all the exciting things we get up to this year!
Curriculum Information
- Lego
- Vikings
- The 'Unsinkable' Titanic
- Water
- Rainforest
It is important to read with your child each night, this will increase their vocabulary, fluency and comprehension skills. Ask questions along the way. Please ensure your child reads a variety of material. We will be completing Drop Everything And Read time everyday during class, please send in a suitable book.
Mental Maths
It is important that you practise the mental maths focus for the week with your child each night, this will aid them in all areas of their numeracy learning. Each Monday we will send home suitable apps and practical activities to help with this.
Our P.E days are on a Thursday and a Friday (Swimming) for Term 1. Please ensure that your child comes to school in jogging bottoms and trainers each week. We will be going swimming every Friday until the Christmas break.
Learning tasks
Learning tasks will follow the same format each week. It includes reading, spelling and a mental maths focus.
Always TALK to your child about what they are doing in school - this is the best form of home learning you can do. Talk, listen and join in where you can.
Latest Photographs

Class Photograph

Crumlin Integrated Primary School, 27 Mill Road, Crumlin, Co. Antrim, BT29 4XL Telephone:- (028) 94 422 357