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Crumlin Integrated Primary School, Crumlin, Co. Antrim

Primary 5 - Weekly Round-up 🚒🏃🏻‍♀️⚖️

1st Mar 2024

Primary five has had another busy week! 

The children completed week 2 of their Chesters challenge on Tuesday with a very energetic Keep Fit session.  

The children explored grams and kilograms in maths. This activity required the children to work together to estimate and weigh various items. Many exciting discussions were generated amongst the children, with some very accurate guesses!  

Mr Hynes and his colleague joined our class today to discuss fire safety in our homes.  The children were engaged throughout and came up with fantastic questions and ideas.  After today, I think we have some budding firefighters in our class!  

Great work, Primary Five 😊