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Crumlin Integrated Primary School, Crumlin, Co. Antrim

Outdoor Learning in P4πŸ‚πŸŒŸ

30th Sep 2022

This week in Literacy P4 have been focusing on verbs. To ensure everyone knew a range of verbs P4 went on a ‘Verb Scavenger Hunt’πŸ”Ž. We had to find the actions that we had on our worksheet, do the action then write the action down. Everyone loved learning outdoors 😊.

Also, during outdoor learning we looked at the season ‘Autumn’. We enjoyed discussing all the changes that happenπŸ‚. P4 had to sort the Autumn leaves in as many different ways as they could. We talked about size, colour and texture 🍁.We look forward to building upon our learning in Numeracy.