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Crumlin Integrated Primary School, Crumlin, Co. Antrim

Little Learners- P1 fun begins🤩

9th Sep 2023
Another school year begins and another fab little bunch of kiddies joined our CIPS family😍 We have been having lots of fun in P1 making new friends and getting to grips with lots of new routines in school🙂 The sunshine gave us lots of opportunities to get outside and we have enjoyed using chalk to draw pictures of ourselves, practise our balancing on the obstacle course and have fun with the bikes, balls and hoops🙂 We also enjoyed playing games with the parachute to get to know each others' names better🙂 I wonder what excitement is ahead for next week🤔
Well done everyone for settling so well into Primary 1! It's going to be a great year! 🤩