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Crumlin Integrated Primary School, Crumlin, Co. Antrim

Enjoying June in P1! 🙂🌞

13th Jun 2023

We can't believe that our final month in P1 has arrived! The year has gone in a blink- we continue having lots of fun as our learning hasn't stopped yet! Sunny days have allowed us to get outside for our learning and we have enjoyed scavenger hunts in Literacy, forest school fun using Numeracy and a session of Cage Football to help with our physical development🙂⚽ Preparation is well underway for Sports day which we are looking forward to later this week🙂 In topic work we have been learning about the farm and enjoyed painting and making some farm animals🐷🐄🐐 we even had a go at pretending to 'milk' a cow🐄 Enjoy looking at some of our pictures🙂