Primary 4
Welcome to Miss Corbett's Primary 4 Class
We have 26 wonderful children in our class.
P4 is a super year, we have some very interesting topics and we love to do lots of fun learning. We particularly like to do activity based learning based on our topics, science experiments and Hotspot (presenting a PowerPoint to the class).
We use Class Dojo to keep parents updated so make sure you check it regularly and feel free to like and comment on your child’s work to encourage them.
Curriculum Information
- Castles
- Transport
- Chocolate
- Disney
- Mini beasts
Each week we read our class novel together. We also read in our guided reading groups a few times a week. Books are sent home for homework and the children are encouraged to read each night. Parents should read with them and ask lots of questions about the book (a list of example questions is in your child’s homework folder).
PE is on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Outdoor learning is on Wednesday. Please ensure that your child comes to school in the school PE Kit on Tuesday and Thursday.
This year we are taking a different approach to homework with more of a focus on reading, spellings and maths facts. While there will be no written homework set there will be occasional tasks to be completed on a digital platform.
Latest Photographs

Crumlin Integrated Primary School, 27 Mill Road, Crumlin, Co. Antrim, BT29 4XL Telephone:- (028) 94 422 357