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Crumlin Integrated Primary School, Crumlin, Co. Antrim

Sunshine and smiles 🥰🌞

3rd Mar 2024
What a lovely week we had in P1 last week getting outside as much as possible to enjoy our learning in the sunshine🙂🌞We loved getting on our wellies and grabbing our magnifying glasses to set off on a walk round our discovery garden and school grounds to search for the early signs of Spring🌱it was lovely to see the daffodils in bloom and new buds beginning to grow 🙂🌱In Numeracy we enjoyed making and counting sets and worked together to re- order numbers in sequence- teamwork is great in P1🤩It was fun using an obstacle course to help practice our sounds...we are getting so good at our sound recognition and our jumping! Amidst all the hard work we still had lots of time for play...our favourite way to learn in P1🥰Great job everyone 👏